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               CONTENT SUMMARY







COPYRIGHT © 2020, By Jonathan P. Volkel

                                                                      SUMMARY PREFACE

     A great deal of our present-day understanding of reality is defined by scientific theories. All of the theories which attempt to explain the workings of both the large-scale universe and the microscopic universe combine to form what is known as the “philosophy of physics”. Ultimately, those theories infiltrate and infect every branch of science that exists today.

     The average person is probably unaware of the huge quantity of theories that exist, because all of those theories are presented to us by the scientific community as if they were actual facts. Even so, a great many people have probably heard of the most popular theories, such as “The Big Bang Theory” and the “Greenhouse Gas Theory”. Perhaps the most famous theory of all is Einstein’s “Theory of Relativity”. Its concepts provide the major influence in the development of all the other theories.

     Despite the tremendous impact that Einstein’s theory has on modern ideas, it is likely that very few understand what Einstein’s theory actually says, what it means, or why he even felt the need to create it. Perhaps many even fail to realize the significance of the fact that the word “theory” must remain attached to the name of all those concepts. That is because none of them have ever actually been proven to be true.

      One of the foundational concepts that attempts to validate the theories utilizes a belief in something known as a “field”. The abilities imagined for these “fields” attempt to explain various effects that seem to behave as mass-less forces. For example, science has long believed that a magnetic “field” was a mass-less effect that had the ability to circulate around an electrically charged conductor in ringed layers. Einstein theorized that a magnetic “field” could merge with an electric “field” to become an entirely new type of “field” known as an electromagnetic “field”. The merging of the two fields gives them the new ability to transform into “light” and self-propagate in a straight line across the vastness of outer space. Einstein also believed that gravity was some sort of “field” effect that had the astonishing ability to bend the nothingness of space.

     But what is a “field”? Is it some sort of energy? Is it a mass-less force that works at a distance? Since these different fields do such vastly different things, are the fields themselves somehow completely different from one another? Do they have anything in common? Where do they come from? How are they created? What are they made of? What gives each “field” such distinctly different abilities unlike any of the other “fields”?

     Even Einstein could not figure out what those “fields” had in common or how it all could actually work. To this very day, science still does not know, and does not have the answer to any of those questions. However, scientists believe that there is one as yet undiscovered type of field “out there” that is the source of all these effects. Science is continually seeking a way to figure out what that “field” is. They think that the discovery of it will answer all these questions and finally prove that Einstein’s theory is actually true. They call it a search for a “Unified Field Theory”. They also call it “The Theory of Everything”. The search continues because, despite what scientists may say, or what an encyclopedia or textbook might state, science still has no idea as to why things really work. Every explanation heard and read on the topic is all just boldly stated theoretical guesses.

     Here you will find out what those “fields” really are. Here you will learn what all of science does not yet know. They are not “fields” at all, but instead are actually forces. Isaac Newton’s second Law of Motion defines what a force is: F=ma (Force=mass x acceleration). That is, a force is a mass in motion. Newton’s third Law of Motion reveals that when two masses in motion make physical contact with one another, they exert and exchange forces upon one another.

      There is only one energy in existence that causes mass to attain motion. That energy is a single, unified component of existence, and the motion of matter in all its various quantities and degrees of motion is a manifestation of this one and only energy at work. Because only one energy is responsible for the motion of all matter, the resultant force-effects caused by the motion of one discrete piece of matter intersecting with the motion of another discrete piece of matter is the manifestation of an interaction of the Unified Force. All the different energies that science perceives, measures and documents are actually just the result of various quantities of matter, moving at various speeds, with various groupings of matter moving in various patterns of motion.  Thus, all the different types of energy that we perceive are not different at all. They are all “made of” exactly the same thing: matter in motion.

     What the one energy responsible for these effects is, and how and why it is able to manifest as all the different effects we see in nature is explained here. Every explanation provided here for the behavior of that energy obeys the proven Laws of Motion, which is something that science’s explanation of “fields” does not do. As yet, the scientific community is completely unaware of this revelation about the Unified Force. That is why the web site is named “The Unified Force Revealed”. The explanations provided here will not agree with modern theories. That means that scientists will disagree with these explanations.


      The following topics are written so that anyone can understand them. Some scientific terms may require the reader who is unfamiliar with that terminology to keep a dictionary handy. Those familiar with science will not need to, because most of this utilizes “beginner” physics concepts.  Those who are familiar with a physics text book will not find any phenomena, experiment, data, law or existing theory within this paper that they are unfamiliar with. What they will find is that the explanations provided here for those phenomena, experiments, data and laws are different than the theoretical explanations.

     Modern theories require complex explanations, complicated math, and huge stretches of the imagination to comprehend. Such complexity is necessary in order to try and explain the magical motion of “fields”. Only those with PhD’s seem to understand them.  However, many explanations herein are so simple, that they may get boring. That is intentional. That which we know so easily and take for granted every day is the Unified Force at work.  And so, the simple and obvious becomes deeply profound, if one can but open their mind to see it.

     Imagine a line of dominoes, all standing on edge. Tip the first domino so that it falls onto the next one. Suddenly, a chain reaction occurs and, one by one, they all fall in a sequenced pattern. The task of learning how to position the dominoes in order to properly create the chain reaction can be a very simple, boring and tedious educational process. However, the cascade falling of an intricate pattern of dominoes can be a beautiful and amazing thing to watch.

     The information that follows is the equivalent of learning how the dominoes behave and how they are set up. The ability to expand that understanding into visualizing the beautiful and amazing result that is our universe in motion is up to the reader.


    The following summary is intended to quickly convey a broad overview of what the Unified Force really is and how and why it works. Hopefully, the summary of the basic concepts will stir an interest to see the full step by step explanation in the attached paper describing the details of it all.

     Chapter 1 provides a crucial foundation for everything else that will follow. When reading it, don’t skim through it and disregard it just because it takes a close look at simple and obvious concepts. The simplicity of the concepts is the entire point behind the workings of a Unified energy. The simplicity of it is one of the reasons as to why scientists don’t recognize it and cannot find it. Don’t fall into the same trap that they have been stuck in for a century. Scientists expect the discovery of a Unified Force or a Unified Field Theory to lie in complicated quantum mathematics and far-fetched theoretical processes, and so the focus of their attention and search efforts lies only in that direction. However, the correct answer is remarkably simple and is right in front of our noses in plain sight every moment of every day.

     Chapter 1 focuses mainly on establishing a correct understanding of the motion of waves. The concept initially seems too simple to give more than a cursory thought to, and yet, it is a concept of immense importance, is absolutely crucial, and is at the heart of understanding everything that moves in this universe. Modern theories have altered and corrupted the correct understanding of what a wave is, and it is absolutely necessary to go back to “square one” and re-establish a solid foundation of truth and provable facts about the nature of waves.


     And so, here is the summary of all of the chapters:


Chapter 1 - “THE SOURCE OF THE PROBLEM” - This chapter discusses science’s previous awareness and understanding of energy and waves. Although the majority of the following chapter summaries will be VERY brief, the following summary of chapter 1 is a bit longer, but only because the concepts are so immensely important. They will serve as an anchor for your understanding of all that follows. Not only anchoring your understanding of how things actually do work, but anchoring your understanding in why modern theories are incorrect.

     The following definition of a wave is extremely crucial in understanding how the universe works.

                       A WAVE IS FORMED BY A PATTERNED


                  THAT TRAVELS THROUGH A MEDIUM                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           

     The above definition of a wave is important not only because of what it says, but also because of what it does not say. Present day definitions of a wave attach an extra concept to the end of the definition which states something like the following; “However, electromagnetic waves do not require a medium to propagate through. They self-propagate.”

     The present-day definition of a wave has resulted in physics textbooks dividing the topic of waves into two separate chapters. One chapter deals with waves that propagate through a medium. These waves are referred to as “mechanical waves”. Mechanical waves are the waves that we can see, measure, verify and prove how they function. The other chapter on waves deals with “electromagnetic waves”. It explains the theory of self-propagating light waves.

      The theoretical concept of self-propagation is impossible and defies every known and proven law of science. However, the theory of self-propagation was created and accepted as being real in order to make Einstein’s theory seem as if it really works. It is the acceptance of self-propagation that has corrupted our understanding of waves. In order to correctly understand the workings of the universe, one must first discard the theory of self-propagation. By focusing our attention on the behavior of waves that we can actually observe and verify, we can see for ourselves that self-propagation is not possible. We can understand and stand firm in the knowledge that something can only be classified as a wave because it is a disturbance that propagates through a medium. By simply relying upon impartial observation, one can have the confidence to correct the disfigurement of the present-day definition of a wave and erase the concept of self-propagation once and for all.


      Impartial observation is simple and easy to do. A disturbance that travels through a medium can be seen with the naked eye just by watching waves moving through the water. Waves can also move through a medium that we cannot see. But we can detect those waves in other ways.

     An example of an invisible “medium” through which a wave can travel would be the air. If an object vibrates within our atmosphere, its motion causes it to continuously bump into the surrounding air molecules with a certain pattern. Those bumped air molecules then move away from the vibrating object. They don’t get very far because the atmosphere is very crowded with air molecules. The moving air molecules bump into the air molecules that are right next to them, transferring their motion to them. The newly bumped air molecules then bump into other air molecules that are in the path of their motion, which in turn bump into the next air molecules, and so on. The process of the chain reaction of air molecules bumping into one another and transferring their motion down a long line of air molecules that comprise the medium (in this case, the atmosphere) is known as “propagation”. The pattern of motion of the original vibrating object creates a pattern of motion that moves through the medium of air molecules. We identify that pattern of motion in the medium as a “wave”. When those moving air molecules finally bump into our eardrums, they transfer their pattern of motion to our eardrums. Our brains interpret the corresponding pattern of our eardrum motion as “sound”.

     All of this is simple, obvious and easy to understand. It is as easy as playing a game of pool and anticipating which ball to hit and where the ensuing chain reaction of collisions will cause the balls to travel to. Even so, about a century ago, this simple understanding of the workings of waves became distorted and polluted by newly created theories.

     Up until the late 1800’s, all of science believed that propagation through a medium was the ONLY way for waves to travel. A vibrating object must be moving within some sort of medium (like air or water) in order to create a wave shaped pattern of motion that travels through that medium. This means that the opposite must also be true. That is, an object situated in a true and perfect vacuum cannot generate a wave, because the vibrating object has nothing to bump into in order to transfer its motion.

     At that time, scientists knew that “light” was also a moving wave pattern. The logical conclusion was that, just like any other wave that we can see here on Earth, “light” too must be propagating through some sort of a medium comprised of some sort of particles. However, “light” travels through outer space. What sort of medium of particles could exist in the seeming vacuum of space? If those particles exist, then they must fill the entire universe, just as the air fills our entire atmosphere. And, just like our air is made of physical particles that can bump into one another, the medium that light travels through in outer space must also be made of some sort of physical particles. Those particles would have to not only exist in outer space, but they must also fill the spaces that exist between all atoms everywhere. Scientists still couldn’t see this medium or even fully understand what it could be made of, but convinced that it absolutely had to exist, they decided to give it a name. They called that yet undiscovered medium the “Lumineferous Aether”, or simply, the “Ether”.

     One experiment in the late 1800’s seemed to prove that no such medium existed, and so the search for the ether was abandoned and science tried to figure out an alternate way for waves to travel. They tried to figure out how waves could travel without having to propagate through a medium. Thus, Einstein’s Theory of Relativity was devised. It transformed the nature of a wave from just simply being a pattern of motion propagating through a medium into a ghost-like, snake-like “object” that has no mass. The definition of a wave was then altered and re-written to include the newly devised concept of “self-propagation”. That is, a theory was created that proposes how these wave shaped mass-less objects might propagate through nothing but themselves. The concept of self-propagation is actually quite ridiculous and scientifically law defying. Even so, scientists accept it as being true. They have to. If they don’t accept it, then they must also reject everything Einstein said.

     In order for Einstein’s theory to work, he needed to change the nature of our universe and the laws of nature that govern it. He needed to change the definition of the nature of “time”, from being absolute, universally simultaneous and constant, to being variable in localized situations, depending upon one’s motion. He called this alteration in the flow of time “Time Dilation”. He had to invent this concept of Time Dilation because it is absolutely essential in order for his theory to appear to work. He also altered space, giving it a substance that is referred to as “the fabric of space”. This concept was necessary in order to make the theory of self-propagation seem more plausible. It also allowed the merging of “space” and “time” into the concept of a new four-dimensional continuum called “space-time”. He also altered the nature of many other things as well. And all of science accepted these fantasy concepts, alterations and mutilations of nature as being valid.

Chapter 2 - “TIME DILATION” - One of the first theoretical concepts taught to those who are learning Einstein's theory is that the longstanding belief that Time is simultaneous and absolute was incorrect. He believed that we need to re-define Time and accept it as being variable. Einstein proposed that an object's speed alters the passage of time for that object, resulting in Time Dilation. Belief in this concept is necessary. Without it, Einstein's theories on the motion of light will not work.


     This chapter examines the concept of Time Dilation. It closely examines a common and popular “thought experiment” used to “prove” that Time Dilation is real. The particular thought experiment being examined is a simple one and can be found in many Physics text books in the beginning of their chapter on Relativity. The thought experiment being examined is included in the text books to convince novice Physics students that Time Dilation is real.


     The analysis in this chapter of that thought experiment proves that it is faulty and deceptive in its rationale. In addition to that, it is then demonstrated that the laws of physics conclusively prove that Time Dilation is utterly impossible and simply cannot exist.

     Once it is seen that Time Dilation does not exist, then it can be understood that Einstein’s Theory of Relativity cannot and does not work. It violates the known and proven laws of physics. An explanation for how waves can travel in outer space other than by self-propagation is needed. The next chapter provides that explanation.


Chapter 3 - “THE DISCOVERY” This chapter takes a close look at the experiment which was performed in the late 1800’s which attempted to find the ether. As it turns out, even though they declared a definitive conclusion based upon their data, the results were actually vague and inconclusive. The problem is, the scientists who tried to decipher the data did so with faulty theories and preconceived ideas as to what the data should have been. They had made a grievous mistake in their assumptions about the nature and behavior of the ether, and so misinterpreted the meaning of the data and came to the erroneous conclusion that the ether did not exist. In actuality, aspects of that experiment prove conclusively that the ether most definitely exists. The experiments data proves that the ether has an interesting characteristic which the scientists did not anticipate.

     Once it is understood that the ether exists, then it can be understood that light waves move through outer space because they are propagating through a medium, just as waves do here on Earth. This results in the elimination of such ridiculous theories as mass-less waves with the ability to self-propagate and puts a final end to Einstein’s entire Theory of Relativity and every other theory associated with or derived from it.


Chapter 4 – “THE ETHER: A BROAD LOOK” This chapter provides an initial basic understanding of what the ether is and how and why it moves. The existence of the ether dramatically alters our awareness of the universe. We have all been trained to think of outer space as being completely empty. It is not. It is filled with particles. It is like an unimaginably vast ocean that everything is submerged in. If that concept is difficult to imagine, then realize that our atmosphere is also like an ocean of particles that we are submerged in. It is an ocean that is invisible to our eyes and it moves. Even so, we accept it and live with it without even giving it a second thought.

     There is a major difference between the ether and our atmosphere. The air is made up of atoms. The ether is comprised entirely of sub-atomic particles. That is, particles that are smaller than the tiniest atomic component; the electron. This difference results in a difference in the behavior of photon motion compared to atomic motion. The scientists who searched for the ether were unaware of this difference and failed to take it into account when they analyzed their data. The general concepts of this difference are introduced in this chapter.

     This chapter also provides a thorough examination of the timekeeping discrepancies that occur with atomic clocks that are mobile. Two atomic clocks that are moving at different speeds will indicate different passages of time. Scientists believe that this is due to time dilation. It is not, since there is no such thing as time dilation. The problem is caused by Doppler shift, and how and why the ether creates it and how it affects atomic clocks is explained in detail.

Chapter 5 – “THE ELECTRON AND LIGHT” This chapter explains exactly what the “Unified Force” (energy) really is. It demonstrates how science has always seen it and measured it without recognizing it. Also, the correct understanding of a “wave” is introduced here. It is NOT a mass-less object, as Einstein describes, but is really the motion of many individual objects moving in a pattern. That pattern takes on a wave shape. This chapter explains how the high-speed vibrations of the electron create a high-speed wave shaped pattern of motion in the photons of the ether. That high-speed pattern is defined by science as a “high frequency” which falls into the bandwidth of frequencies that we define as “light”. When surplus energy at that same high frequency travels from atom to atom instead of from photon to photon, the extra mass of the atoms causes that energy to be perceived by us as “electricity”.


Chapter 6 – “THE ELECTRON AND MAGNETISM” This chapter shows how the electron (and the entire atom) create magnetism. Magnetism is the result of a secondary type of atomic motion. A slow oscillating bounce in the atomic components creates a slow oscillating wave that propagates through the ether. A remarkable ability of the photons is revealed here. When they strike an object, they cause that object to move in the direction of the incoming photon. This effect is the reason why Newton’s third law of motion exists (For every action there is an equal and opposite reaction). This is why ether currents move in the opposite direction that atoms move. This is why magnetism seems to draw objects towards the source.


Chapter 7 – “THE ETHER: A CLOSER LOOK” This chapter explains that the speed of light is not constant and provides an initial understanding of why light moves at the speed that it does. It also discusses the very important concept of mass versus velocity. Given a fixed amount of the energy of motion, the less mass that an object has, the faster it can move. Since photons are sub-atomic in size, then their incredibly tiny mass allows them to attain the fastest speeds of anything we have ever measured. When a certain amount of energy resides in an electron, it moves at a certain velocity. When that same energy is transferred into the tiny photon, it moves much faster because it has so much less mass than the electron does. And so, when the Unified Energy is at work in the electron, the resultant slower speed of the more massive atoms manifests to us as electricity. When that very same energy transfers into photons, particles with much less mass move at light speeds and it manifests to us as light. One energy does both of those things. It all depends upon the mass of the object it occupies, the resultant speed, and its pattern of motion.

     This chapter also examines the concepts of inertia, objects, energy and acceleration. Science's present understanding of those terms is examined. It can be seen that the current understanding of those terms is incorrect. A correct understanding is provided. 

Chapter 8 – “THE NEUTRON AND GRAVITY” This chapter examines the role of the neutron in the atom and the initial concepts of the part it plays in the creation of gravity. Gravity is a very strange phenomenon. The first law of motion tells us that the only way an object can experience a change in speed or direction is if it is acted upon by an eternal force. Gravity definitely causes those changes, but without any apparent physical contact with the affected object. Whatever it is about gravity that is making these changes in an object’s motion possible, the proven and unbreakable Law demands that it still must be some sort of a force. However, the second law of motion tells us that when a force acts upon something, the motion of that object is inversely related to the mass of that object (the bigger it is, the slower it goes: F = ma). However, gravity causes all things, no matter the mass, to accelerate at the same rate, thereby defying the second law of motion. It is the dual force/non-force paradoxical nature and behavior of gravity that still confuses scientists to this day.

     This chapter reveals the beginnings of understanding as to what gravity really is. Objects that move because of gravity are moving because they are being struck by a steady stream of photons. Objects that are struck by photons move towards the photons that struck them (Newton’s third law of motion). And so, for example, if photons are radiating outward from the center of the Earth in all directions in a continuous uniform volume, then all objects (no matter the quantity of mass) move towards those incoming photons at the exact same rate. The resultant effect is that our feet remain firmly planted on the ground. We call this effect “gravity”. The neutron plays a big part in creating that stream of photons that moves away from the atom. Exactly how and why this happens is revealed in greater detail in later chapters.

     Since the neutron is the largest of atomic components, it moves the slowest. As a result, it changes its pattern of motion much more slowly than an electron does. And so, the neutron is also responsible for creating low frequency waves that propagate through the ether.


Chapter 9 – “THE PROTON, HEAT AND THE ATOM” Earlier chapters explained that the electron’s high-speed motion creates high frequency waves in the ether. The larger mass of the neutron causes it to possess much slower speed motion. This slower speed means that it changes its pattern of motion more slowly. As a result, it creates lower frequency waves in the ether. The quantity of mass of the proton is greater than the mass of the electron and is less than the mass of the neutron. As a result, its speed is in-between that of the electron and neutron and its motion creates waves of a medium frequency within the ether. Those waves fall into the IR bandwidth.

     This understanding of the proton reveals the final errors in the Bohr model of the atom. First, the Bohr model depicts the electrons in an orbit around the atom’s nucleus in such a way so that the electrons aren’t touching anything. As a result, they would be unable to transfer energy between themselves and the nucleus of the atom, because, despite modern scientific theoretical beliefs, physical contact is actually the only way that two objects can exchange energy. Second, the Bohr model of the atom depicts the proton as being approximately the same mass as the neutron. If that were true, then the proton would move at the same speed as the neutron and create identical waves in the ether, eliminating the existence of the IR bandwidth.  Finally, the Bohr model depicts the protons and neutrons all crushed together in the nucleus of the atom. This type of configuration prevents them from moving freely within the ether and prevents those individual components from creating individual disturbances that can propagate through the ether as distinct waves.

     This chapter lays the foundation of the basics needed to create a more accurate model of the atom. It is a model which allows for all components to be in contact with one another while maintaining their individual patterns of motion. It obeys all the known and proven factual laws of science and does not rely upon any unproven theoretical forces (the strong and weak forces) to make it work.


Chapter 10 – “THE ATOM AND MOLECULES” This chapter explores the makeup of atoms and molecules. All atoms are built from the same three basic components: neutrons, protons and electrons. The only difference between one element in the Periodic Table and another is the quantity of components in that element and how they move together in unison. Different quantities and arrangements of matter move with different patterns of motion. Those patterns affect the waves that they create in the ether and the way that they respond to incoming waves. These differences in behavior in the different groupings and arrangements of the three basic atomic components are what we define as “The Periodic Table of Elements”.

     Combining different elements together creates molecules. The different motions of the different elements combine to create all new patterns of motion and behaviors that causes different molecules to behave as they do. And so, everything that we perceive as being different substances in this universe is just the result of varying quantities of mass moving with different speeds in different patterns of motion.

Chapter 11 – “THE BIGGER PICTURE” This chapter deals with the most fundamental concept in detecting the ether. It answers the question: “Why can’t we see it?” It not only explains what invisibility is, but also shows how we already experience it every moment of every day and accept it as being a necessary part of our existence.


Chapter 12 – “THE SMALLEST PICTURE” This chapter discusses the nature of a photon. What is it made of? Why does it seem to have a speed limit? How is it able to strike an object and seemingly pass right through that object?  How does it cause objects it strikes to move in the direction the photon came from?

     All of those questions are answered in this chapter. The nature of a photon’s makeup and behavior is simple, obvious, and conforms to all the known and proven laws of science. In fact, those laws exist because of the photon’s properties. The correct understanding of the makeup of a photon reveals a secret about the makeup of all matter in the universe. Understanding the true nature of all matter and the behavior of photons brings us one step closer to the complete understanding of how and why gravity really works.


Chapter 13 – “OSCILLATION” This chapter takes a closer look at what oscillation within the atom is, how the atom deals with it and two of the major effects that are produced because of it.


Chapter 14 – “THROW OUT THE TRASH” This chapter takes a look at a few of the modern theories that presently exist. These theories have their roots in Einstein’s theory. Some of the reasons as to why the theories are wrong and how the scientists are misinterpreting the data are discussed.


Chapter 15 – “THE UNIFIED FORCE AND THE LAWS OF EVERYTHING” This chapter reviews the concepts of what the Unified Force is and provides a commonplace everyday explanation to reinforce the concepts. It asks the reader to re-think the concepts of Einstein’s theory and honestly confront the mind-bending irrational concepts that it proposes. It also asks the reader to remember that the ether really does exist. Its presence negates the need of any of Einstein’s theoretical forces and allows for all energy to move back and forth by propagation through a medium. Once you “see” the ether, you can see all the bad theories for what they really are.


Chapter 16 – “HOW IT HAPPENED” This chapter discusses the makeup and motion of our universe and examines how it could have possibly formed in the first place. Only one possible explanation makes any scientific sense at all.


Chapter 17 – “THE MEANING OF IT ALL” Although not everyone is interested in scientific topics, this chapter discusses the biggest questions that perhaps all of us have asked ourselves. They are, ultimately, the only questions that really matter. “What am I?” “Why am I?” “What does ‘being alive’ really mean?”  “What happens to me when I die?” Answers to all of these questions are provided.

    The next section of topics is called “ANALYSIS”. The previous chapters discussed the universe in a step by step sequential progression. “Analysis” deals with individual topics that do not require any specific reading order (with the exception of the two Analysis topics; “Time, Space, Matter and Energy” and “Sub-Atomic motion”. They should be read in the listed order). And so, all of the Analysis topics are only named and not numbered.


THE ENERGY OF MOTION” - This is a topic that ALL scientists who accept Einstein’s Theory of Relativity as being valid and plausible NEED to read and give serious thought to.

     This analysis reviews Newton’s basic laws of motion. With only casual observation and a little bit of thought, it can be easily seen as to why he discovered those laws. In fact, they seem so simple and obvious, one might wonder as to why it was just stated that scientists NEED to read this. After all, this is basic Physics “101” beginner’s knowledge. What’s the big deal?

     One of the primary concepts in Einstein’s theory creates a major conflict with the known and proven laws of the universe. Einstein established that there were indeed particles associated with the nature of “light”, but he decided that these particles were mass-less. That decision was required in order to make his theory work. As a result, scientists accept that a particle of energy can exist that has no mass at all. It is an insubstantial ghost with no physical substance and is made of only energy. They named it a “boson”.

     A review of Newton’s laws reveals that those laws apply to ALL “objects”. A particle with no mass that can exist as an individual item must be considered as an “object”. However, Newton’s motion formula cannot be applied to it because mass is required for the calculations of motion. In addition to that, these mass-less particles have a speed limit (the speed of light). That concept defies the nature of the laws of motion. Einstein attempted to circumnavigate those laws by creating the theories and formulas to explain the reason why an object with no mass would have a speed limit.

     Newton’s law of universal gravitation states “EVERY particle is attracted to EVERY other particle…”. Therefore, according to the proven scientific law, these mass-less particles absolutely must also emit gravity. If not (and they don’t), yet another proven law is violated by Einstein.

     Apparently, scientists have forgotten or simply ignore the basic meaning of the word “Law” when it comes to scientific principles. If some principle is classified as a scientific “Law”, it is because it works EVERY time and NEVER fails under any circumstances. Einstein’s theory repeatedly violates those laws. That, by itself, immediately proves that his theory is invalid. Any scientist familiar with the laws should instantly realize that Einstein’s theory is no good. If they don’t, then they need to go back to square one and review the basic laws of motion. Perhaps this analysis will help to remind them of the meaning of those laws.

WAVES” – This analysis topic deals with the concept of waves. In particular, it focuses on how waves move. The purpose is to emphasize that it is clearly obvious that propagation is the only way for them to do so, and that the concept of self-propagation is impossible.

     When the process of propagation is examined more closely, the true nature of a wave is revealed. Scientists describe a wave as being mass-less. The application of this type of a term to a wave indicates that it is considered as being a single snake-like object occupying an area larger than that of a single particle and has no physical substance. Thus, light is composed of two mass-less objects. One is a wave and the other is a particle.

     In actuality, the application of term “mass-less” to a wave is completely inappropriate. This chapter begins to show the true nature of what a wave really is, and that it is not an object at all. Since it is not an object, the concept of mass cannot be applied to it in any way at all. This concept is addressed again in the analysis topic “Relativity” and the topic “Objects and Quantum Illusions”.


LIGHT WAVES” – This analysis topic deals with Einstein’s observations about the nature and behavior of light and the conclusions he arrived at. Three particular concepts are addressed and it is demonstrated how Einstein came to wrong conclusions about each of them.


RELATIVITY” – This analysis examines Einstein’s Theory of Relativity. It explains what the theory is all about in simple and easy terms. The two postulates that define Special Relativity, and the two postulates that define General Relativity are closely examined. What those four postulates say, what they mean, why he created them, why they are wrong, and what they should say is all explained.

     This topic also takes a closer look at what a wave really is. It is revealed that a wave is not any type of an “object” at all. It is the illusion of an object. Just as a “3”, or an “S”, or “circle”, or “polka dot” are not “objects”, neither is a “wave” an object. They are all shapes and patterns that represent ideas and concepts. They cannot be defined as being “mass-less” because mass is a concept that does not even relate to them.

     Einstein combined Newton’s second law of motion and Newton’s law of Universal gravitation in order to create the second postulate of General Relativity. Einstein completely misunderstood what the combination of those two laws really reveals and how that misunderstanding resulted in his completely incorrect interpretations of scientific observations and data. The correct understanding is provided.


TIME DILATION 2” – This topic provides a closer second look at the theory of time dilation. The theory of time dilation relies completely upon the concept of “What the observer sees” to validate it and to determine the rate of the passage of time. And so, reality becomes RELATIVE to one’s observations. Hence the name; “The Theory of Relativity”. However, a huge problem arises with the theory when comparing the observations of those who possess different degrees of motion. In fact, the problems are so severe as to create an impossible paradox that scientists have had a hard time explaining.

    Scientists have tried to dismiss the paradox by resorting to the creation of a new thought experiment. It is named “The Twin paradox” and it is provided in Physics text books in an attempt to dismiss the entire problem and trick innocent beginner Physics students into believing that time dilation is plausible. This analysis addresses “The Twin Paradox” and demonstrates how the thought experiment is faulty, deceptive, and relies heavily upon double standards to attempt to make its arguments seem valid.

     This topic also addresses the experiments that were done with atomic clocks placed on airplanes to determine if moving the atomic clocks at various high rates of speed altered the passage of time. The scientists think that the data supports the theory of time dilation, when in fact they completely misunderstood what the data was really revealing.

     The entire concept of timekeeping and the passage of time is also addressed. It is demonstrated how scientists apparently do not have a clear understanding of what “time” really is or what a clock is actually doing.

     Finally, the concept of length contraction is examined. This theory and the associated thought experiments that attempt to prove it to be true were created in order to address additional inconsistencies with the theory of time dilation. It is then demonstrated how illogical and irrational the entire theory is. It is demonstrated how the logic behind length contraction not only employs double standards in order to make it seem as if it works, but that those double standards which seem to validate length contraction simultaneously invalidate time dilation.


BLACK HOLES” – This chapter focuses on the theory and data associated with Black holes. The source of information regarding Black holes is taken from a NOVA broadcast entitled “Black Hole Apocalypse”. The theories, data and viewpoints expressed on that show are analyzed. The conclusion reached by the analysis is unavoidable. Gravity does not and cannot do the things that scientists claim. Matter cannot be compressed into microscopic sections of space. There is no such thing as the “fabric” of space, in which a “singularity” can occur. Ultimately, there is no such thing as a Black hole.

     Scientists believe that the only possible way for a large spinning system to stay intact and not fly apart is to have a large enough gravity source at the center to hold it all in place. As a result, their calculations indicate that huge systems, such as galaxies, require an immense gravity source, like a theoretical Black Hole, at the center. That belief is incorrect. At the end of the topic, the correct method of galactic motion is explained, and it can be seen that galaxies can hold together and spin without a huge gravity source at the center, thanks to the existence of the ether. 


MAGNETIC FIELDS” – This topic explains exactly what a magnetic field is and how it is created. Scientists believe that all magnetism is created by electricity. This faulty understanding of magnetism has led to faulty theories about where Earth’s magnetic field comes from. This analysis uses the Earth’s magnetic field as an example of magnetism and demonstrates how it is formed and how and why it moves and takes on the shape that it has.

     Another example of magnetic fields is then provided. Bar magnets are examined. It is explained how and why they have North and South polarities, what “polarity” really means, why opposite polarities attract and why the same polarities repel. The correct understanding of “polarities” allows the understanding that there is no such thing as a “magnetic mono-pole”.


MAGNETISM THEORIES” – This analysis addresses the theories that were created about magnetism as a result of scientific experiments performed with electricity over two centuries ago. Those theories are still believed to this day and form the foundation of science’s ideas on magnetism. It is because wrong conclusions were drawn from those experiments that a flawed understanding of magnetism exists today. The correct explanation of that data and how magnetism really works is provided in the analysis.


TIME, SPACE, MATTER AND ENERGY” – This is a big topic. Modern science has a completely incorrect understanding of all of the components of reality. They believe that these four things can be transformed into one another through various unknown theoretical processes.

     This topic reveals a remarkable aspect of those four things. It is clear that all ENERGY stems from one unified ENERGY. So too, TIME, SPACE and MATTER are also each a unified thing. They are unique, homogeneous, unified and complete unto themselves. The “makeup” or “composition” of each of these is completely incompatible with the makeup of the others. That is why their units of measurement are completely different and cannot be converted into one another. For example, there is no way to convert “seconds” into “meters”. It is obvious that MATTER and ENERGY also cannot transform into one another (thereby eliminating the validity of the Big Bang Theory). These four things remain separate and distinct from one another, and yet they all must work together in order to create existence.

     It is the unified nature of MATTER that leads to the realization that everything is made of just one substance. This understanding leads to the realization that something like “The standard table of elemental particles” is completely wrong. It is only when the unified nature of MATTER is understood that the seemingly unusual behavior of photons can be properly understood.

     This analysis begins a more in-depth explanation of the difference between the motion of an individual object versus the motion of a grouped object. Atoms are an assembly of many individual objects. Because of this, their behavior is the result of a chain reaction of many different motions happening in rapid sequence. One single atom possesses motion pointing in many different directions and different speeds all at the same time. This characteristic is defined by science as “vibration”. This type of atomic motion is the only motion that we have ever clearly perceived or measured.

     Photons are individual single objects. They are only capable of possessing motion that points in one direction at one speed. They do not vibrate. Instead, their motion and vast numbers are what causes the atoms to vibrate. The resultant behavior of something possessing this type of single speed and direction of motion is not something that has ever truly been seen. This difference in motion of the photons creates effects and behavior of the ether that scientists have not anticipated, and is one of the reasons as to why the ether was not recognized in the first place.

     Understanding the true unified nature of MATTER is essential in order to put together the final pieces of the puzzle in understanding exactly how and why gravity works. The full explanation of gravity is provided in the next analysis; “Sub-Atomic Motion”. The analysis concludes with a comparison of Newton’s second law of motion to the actual nature of the four components of existence.


SUB-ATOMIC MOTION” – This analysis completes the explanation of photon motion and behavior. A full understanding of the concept of a unified MATTER aids in revealing the reason why photons can do what they do. They exist as discrete individual objects. At any given time, they possess motion that points in only one direction and has only one speed. Photons do not accelerate or decelerate, but different photons do possess different motion. When two photons collide, they instantaneously exchange their motion.

     It is the unimaginable quantity of photons that exist, combined with their high-speed random motion, that creates vibration in all the atomic components in this universe. It is this activity that creates a center seeking effect for motion within MATTER. The ether is the source of gravity’s limitless supply of power, and is the reason why all energy travels to and radiates from the center of every object. When the center seeking effect is combined with the spinning motion of the combined atom components, a photon “spray” is created which travels away from atoms. When that spray strikes another object, the nature of the photons causes that object to move towards the spray by propagation. This creates what appears to be energy free motion. And so, all objects subjected to that same spray move towards that spray; not according to the quantity of mass of the object, but according to the concentration of photons in the spray. As a result, gravity causes all objects to accelerate at the same rate, no matter the object’s mass.


OBJECTS AND QUANTUM ILLUSIONS” – This analysis deals with the theory of Quantum Entanglement. The theory is fully explained in a NOVA program entitled “Einstein’s Quantum Riddle” and is used as the source of information about the theory. The show can be viewed on-line for free at the PBS web site.

     The contents of the show are reviewed and the theory of Quantum Entanglement is analyzed closely. In the end, it becomes obvious that not only is the theory wrong, but that scientists are using trickery and deception in order to try and get us to think that it is true. The show concludes with one scientist stating that the Quantum Entanglement theory is leading them to the conclusion that all of reality is just a 3-dimensional holographic projection onto the inside surface of a spherical universe. The fact that a scientist could make such a statement and believe that such a ridiculous thing could be true reveals the serious problem with science’s modern theories.

     The analysis concludes with a close-up examination of light and gravity. It explains how the behavior of these two things confused Einstein, because they seem to possess energy-free motion. It is shown how the appearance of extra motion in these two phenomena is actually just an optical illusion. As such, any attempt to define such illusions as being mass-less objects is completely wrong. Einstein attempted to do so, and all of modern science is convinced that doing so is appropriate. They do not understand that it is an illusion and therefore believe that the “magic” motion is real. As a result, they embrace a ridiculous theory like “Quantum Entanglement”. The analysis concludes with revealing the truth about the illusion of motion associated with light and gravity and the details as to how and why the illusion fools scientists.

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